Advent Windows - Christmas 2022

Talley is starting to look a lot like Christmas! With the village shop in full swing, christmas trees beng sold daily and a nice white coating covering the village (have you seen this picture form Karis Hedges? Amazing!). And then there is 'Talley Advent Windows', iniated by Emily Asdown. From the first of december a picture has been added to the Talley Facebook Group. As not everybody in the village is on Facebook and Facebook has it's own weird and inconsisten rules of what's being shown where and when I thought it would be nice to 'bundle' the windows on this site. Below you see pictures of the windows so far and below that theres a map showing where you can find the windows if you want to have a look of the real deal.

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#13 - Edwinsford Arms (Wilkinson children)

Uploaded in category Advent windows 2022
Posted by Pete

Note: the text on this page is not yet available in Welsh (yet). However, if you want to read it in Welsh, try using Google Translate for a Welsh version of this page at your own risk.

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