Talley Community Council / Cyngo Cymuned Talyllychau
Meetings are usually held on the first Tuesday of every month. (No meeting during August).
Cynhelir cyfarfodydd yn arferol nos Fawrth cyntaf o bob mis yn Ysgol Gynradd Talyllychau am 7.30 o’r gloch.(Dim cyfarfod Mis Awst).
Councillors / Cynghorwyr
Aled Williams (Chair)
Ystrad, Talyllychau, Llandeilo, SA19 7YP
07854 201 351
Marged Bowen
Pen Yr Enfys, Talyllychau, Llandeilo, SA19 7YH
01558 685711
Jane Morgan
Maesywawr, Talyllychau, Llandeilo, SA19 7YP
01558 685737
Janine Roberts
The Stables, Talyllychau, Llandeilo, SA19 7AQ
01558 685524
John Williams
Blaenwaun, Talyllychau, Llandeilo, SA19 7BQ
01558 685335
Rhys Williams
Glanyrafonddu Ganol, Cwmdu, Llandeilo, SA19 7DR
01558 685688
Jayne Morgan
David Thomas
Gethin Williams (Clerk)
County Councillor / Cynghorydd Sir
Fiona Walters
07825 913 051
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