Y Llychau September t2023
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in September!
Posted by: Trina
Hello and welcome to the November edition of Bweletin Y Llychau. There are a lot of things to look forward to this month!
Pete Greenway is hosting a Forage Walk on Saturday 5th November to show us what's safe to eat and what's not! Meet at the forest gate opposite St. Michaels, Talley at 11am
Services will be held at 10.45 on Friday 11th and Sunday 13th respectively at St Michael's Church.
Hosted by Talley for refugeesa clothes swap will take place at Talley Church Hall on Saturday 12th November 2 - 5pm. Please bring something and take something. Suggested items: winter coats, blankets, gloves etc. Any leftover items will be donated to charity.
Talley Community Amenity Association will be holding their AGM on Wednesday 16th November at 7pm in the Church Hall. All welcome
A Willow Basket making class will be run by Justine of West Wales Willows on Saturday 19th November in the Church Hall, 10am - 4pm. £45 plus £10 for materials. These classes are always popular, so if you are interested in booking, please contact Ian Tame.
2nd Wednesday Coffee Morning Church Hall 10.30am
3rd Thursday Holy Communion St Michael's Church 12pm
3rd Thursday Welsh Class Church Hall 11am
5th Saturday Forage Walk Opposite the Church 11am
6th Sunday Holy Communion St Michael's Church 11am
10th Thursday Holy Communion St Michael's Church 12pm
10th Thursday Welsh Class Church Hall 11am
11th Friday Armistice Service St Michael's Church 10.45am
12th Saturday Clothes Swap Church Hall 2 - 5pm
13th Sunday Remembrance Service St Michael's Church 10.45am
16th Wednesday TCAA AGM Church Hall 7pm
17th Thursday Holy Communion St Michael's Church 12pm
17th Thursday Welsh Class Church Hall 11am
19th Saturday Willow Weaving Church Hall 10am
20th Sunday Holy Communion St Michael's Church 11am
24th Thursday Welsh Class Church Hall 11am
24th Thursday Holy Communion St Michael's Church 12pm
26th Saturday TCAA Work Party Opposite the Church 10am
27th Sunday Holy Communion St Michael's Church 11am
The Tearoom in the Church Hall is always open after Sunday Service with lots of delicious food. All welcome!
Pop-Up Market - every Sunday, 9.30am - 1.00pm Edwinsford Inn, check facebook page for weather updates.
Mobile Library - every Tuesday, Dyffryn Ig layby 1 - 1.30pm. Abbey 1.30 - 2pm
Abbey Tea Room - will close from 6th Nov for winter except Sundays. The hall is still available to hire throughout the winter period.
Jamie's Fish - Jamie's fish van will be stopping at The Smithy around 2.45pm on Wednesdays. If he doesn't visit you already, you will find him there.
LLansawel Hall Youth Group every Thursday in the Llansawel Hall, 7 to 9
1. Alfred Hitchcock 2. WW2 3. Achilles 4. Roe Deer 5. USA 6. 4 7. 4 8. Russia 9. Helium 10. Cotton
1. Who invented the hot air balloon?
2. By what name is Pauline Mathews better known?
3. What is the name of the character played by Ronnie Barker in Open All Hours?
4. Sand consists of silicon and what other element?
5. What is the brightest star in the northern hemisphere?
6. Common, Arctic and Sooty are all varieties of what?
7. George Bernard Shaw's play Pigmalion was adapted to become which musical?
8. What is oenophobia the fear of? Beer, Wine or Water?
9. Which country has a birth rate of zero?
10. What is the common link between The Dave Clark 5, Fat Larry's Band & Harold Melvin the Blue Notes?
If I have missed anything or you have anything to add to the diary, please contact me, Trina Hamilton on bwletinyllychau@gmail.com
Village website - www.talley.org.uk
Private Facebook Group www.facebook.com/groups/TalleyVillageGroup
Public Facebook Page - www.facebook.com/TalleyVillage/
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in September!
Posted by: Trina
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in June!
Posted by: Trina
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in June!
Posted by: Trina
Everything that's going on in and around Talley inMay!
Posted by: Trina
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in April!
Posted by: Trina
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in March!
Posted by: Trina
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in February!
Posted by: Trina
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in January!
Posted by: Trina
Have a look at all the pictures of the windows (so far) or check the map to find out where you can the windows are located if you want to have a look of the real deal.
Posted by: Pete
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in December!
Posted by: Trina Hamilton
Note: the text on this page is not yet available in Welsh (yet). However, if you want to read it in Welsh, try using Google Translate for a Welsh version of this page at your own risk.
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