Y Llychau September t2023
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in September!
Posted by: Trina
Hello and welcome to the February edition of Bwletin Y Llychau.
Very sadly, due to cast illness, it has been decided to cancel the village panto for the foreseeable future.
I hope everyone is feeling very much better soon. It would be lovely to resurrect this annual community event.
The Cwtch Cynnes Community Hub is taking place each Monday in the Church Hall. Good food and company along with an art class for all abilities 12 - 3pm.
The Tearoom in the Church Hall is always open after Sunday Service with lots of delicious food. All welcome!
Pop-Up Market - every Sunday, 9.30am - 1.00pm Edwinsford Inn, check facebook page for weather updates.
Mobile Library - every Tuesday, Dyffryn Ig layby 1 - 1.30pm. Abbey 1.30 - 2pm
Jamie's Fish - Jamie's fish van will be stopping at The Smithy around 2.45pm on Wednesdays. If he doesn't visit you already, you will find him there.
Cwtch Cynnes - Every Monday in the Church Hall 12 - 3pm, offering warm soup & bevarages, good company and games such as chess etc.
If I have missed anything or you have anything to add to the diary, please contact me, Trina Hamilton on bwletinyllychau@gmail.com
Village website - www.talley.org.uk
Private Facebook Group www.facebook.com/groups/TalleyVillageGroup
Public Facebook Page - www.facebook.com/TalleyVillage/
A Very Happy and Healthy New Year to all.
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in September!
Posted by: Trina
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in June!
Posted by: Trina
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in June!
Posted by: Trina
Everything that's going on in and around Talley inMay!
Posted by: Trina
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in April!
Posted by: Trina
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in March!
Posted by: Trina
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in January!
Posted by: Trina
Have a look at all the pictures of the windows (so far) or check the map to find out where you can the windows are located if you want to have a look of the real deal.
Posted by: Pete
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in December!
Posted by: Trina Hamilton
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in November!
Posted by: Trina Hamilton
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