Y Llychau September t2023
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in September!
Posted by: Trina
Hello and welcome to the April edition of Bwletin Y Llychau.
The Church Hall tea room has reopened its doors on a daily basis. Self service on weekdays and manned at the weekend. Donations only.
On Friday 7th April there will be a Good Friday Vigil from 2 - 5pm led by Rev. Tim. You can attend for all or part of this contemplation and prayer vigil.
Registration from 10.30am by the Church Hall. 2.5k run at 1.30pm, 5k run at 2.30pm. Followed by Afternoon tea and Egg Hunt. See Talley Facebook page for cost and further details.
Hosted by Talley for Refugees, Easter Monday April 10th, bring your spare plants, seeds & tools to swap between 2 and 5pm. at Tan Y Berllan, Talley (turning opposite Esgairnant Chapel. Refreshments available and a visit from the Easter Bunny!
On Saturday 22nd April there will be a wood whittling and knife sharpening workshop 10 - 3pm at Talley community land, outdoors weather permitting. Cost £5. If you would like to know more or are interested in a place then please contact tcaa2002@gmail.com
Saturday 29th April sees this years Beer Festival at Cwmdu Inn 1pm till 11pm . Free entry with plenty of Real Welsh Ales, live music and great food. See Facebook for further details.
Llandeilo Lit Fest
Llandeilo's 6th annual literature festival takes place 29th - 30th April. Check Facebook for full programme of events and for tickets.
1st Saturday TCAA Work Party Opposite Church 10am
2nd Sunday Palm Sunday Holy Com St Michaels Church 11am
4th Tuesday Holy Communion St Michaels Church 11am
6th Thursday Welsh Class Church Hall 11am
8th Saturday Holy Saturday St Michael's Church Open
8th Saturday Ras Y Llychau By St Michaels Church
9th Sunday Easter Holy Com St Michaels Church 11am
10th Monday Seed Swap Tan Y Berllan 2pm
11th Tuesday Holy Communion St Michaels Church 11am
13th Thursday Welsh Class Church Hall 11am
14th Friday Morning Prayer St Michaels Church 9.30am
14th Friday Film Club Church Hall 7pm
18th Tuesday Holy Communion St Michaels Church 11am
20th Thursday Welsh Class Church Hall 11am
21st Friday Morning Prayer St Michaels Church 9.30am
22nd Saturday Wood Whittling Opposite Church
23rd Sunday Youth led service St Michaels Church 11am
23rd Sunday Holy Communion St Michaels Church 6pm
25th Tuesday Holy Communion St Michaels Church 11am
27th Thursday Welsh Class Church Hall 11am
28th Friday Morning Prayer St Michaels Church 9.30am
28th Friday Film Club Church Hall 7pm
29th Saturday Beer Festival Cwmdu Inn 1pm
30th Sunday Combined Service TBA
The Tearoom in the Church Hall is always open after Sunday Service with lots of delicious food. All welcome!
Pop-Up Market - every Sunday, 9.30am - 1.00pm Edwinsford Inn, check facebook page for weather updates.
Mobile Library - every Tuesday, Dyffryn Ig layby 1 - 1.30pm. Abbey 1.30 - 2pm
Jamie's Fish - Jamie's fish van will be stopping at The Smithy around 2.45pm on Wednesdays. If he doesn't visit you already, you will find him there.
Church Tea Room - Open Daily until around 3pm
Answers from last month
1. Trigger 2. True 3. 15 4. Active volcano 5. Maple Leaf 6. Mexico 7. Diamond 8. Aritotle 9. Sir Francis Drake 10. Gold
If I have missed anything or you have anything to add to the diary, please contact me, Trina Hamilton on bwletinyllychau@gmail.com
Village website - www.talley.org.uk
Private Facebook Group www.facebook.com/groups/TalleyVillageGroup
Public Facebook Page - www.facebook.com/TalleyVillage/
Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus / Happy St. Davids' Day
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in September!
Posted by: Trina
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in June!
Posted by: Trina
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in June!
Posted by: Trina
Everything that's going on in and around Talley inMay!
Posted by: Trina
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in March!
Posted by: Trina
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in February!
Posted by: Trina
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in January!
Posted by: Trina
Have a look at all the pictures of the windows (so far) or check the map to find out where you can the windows are located if you want to have a look of the real deal.
Posted by: Pete
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in December!
Posted by: Trina Hamilton
Everything that's going on in and around Talley in November!
Posted by: Trina Hamilton
Note: the text on this page is not yet available in Welsh (yet). However, if you want to read it in Welsh, try using Google Translate for a Welsh version of this page at your own risk.
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